
Spread the Word.



We know how busy life can be and podcasts can be a great way to gain inspiration or to be challenged while going about your day. To make it easier to access our sermons we offer them through a podcast called Church on the Move. Currently available on Spotify, or look for it on your favorite podcasting platform.

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Each week we record our worship services and post them online. The most recent worship service video is posted on our homepage, complete with sermon notes. The rest of our videos are available on YouTube and Rumble, where you can view them all and subscribe.

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When COVID-19 hit, we had to do ministry in a different way. In order to continue shepherding the Harvest family, our pastors began writing devotions to post on the website. We archived the devotions and compiled them into a compressed pdf file so you can revisit them, use them for the first time, or share them with others.