
Going Beyond Live

All ladies are invited to join us for a streaming conference presenting author and teacher Priscilla Shirer! Going Beyond Live is a one-day event hosted at Harvest Fellowship and multiple sites across the country, bringing thousands of women together. Lunch is included and scholarships are available. Invite your friends to join you! Information is available and you can register today for this amazing event on August 24.

Bible Basics

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed about the Bible. Where do I begin to read? How do I study it? What do I do with the parts that are hard to understand? Join us each Wednesday as we go through the basics of Bible study to help you develop these skills or to sharpen your habits if yo’ve been studying for years. This is open to all adults on Wednesdays 6p-7:30p.

Ladies’ Bible study

Our spring study this year is Nehemiah: A Heart That Can Break. Join us Tuesdays at 7p to be a part of this weekly study. Our ladies meeting on Thursdays at 10a are continuing through Exodus: Learning to Trust God. All women are invited to join us for the study that works best for your schedule. Sign up in the foyer or call the office.


We have some great missions opportunities available to us again this year! May 15-18 we are taking a team to Appalachian Trail Days in Damascus, VA to minister to hikers on the Appalachian Trail in partnership with One Way Ministries. May 27-31 we are once again joining Builders for Christ in Eau Claire, WI to help them build up their church building to minister in their community. We are always looking for other missions opportunities and serve where we can in the local community as well as traveling. Make plans to join one of our mission teams as we serve the Lord by serving others.

FAITH Riders

Having been commissioned as a Faith Riders Motorcycle Ministry chapter, we are invested in an effort to reach those passionate about Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Each year Faith Riders takes part in local ministries, but also joins bike weeks in Sturgis, Daytona, Myrtle Beach and more. You don’t even need to ride in order to be part of our team!


Operation Christmas Child

OCC is always a great time for our Harvest family! This year was no different. We were able to assemble over 400 boxes and provide discipleship materials for 452 families! Our 2024 adventure began with our OCC Cycle Ride in partnership with Faith Riders. We will continue with more events through the year until we send the boxes off in November!


Our women’s mentoring ministry is going strong! This ministry matches mature believers with younger believers who are looking for a wise woman to encourage, pray for, and mentor them in the faith. Beginning each fall, all interested women are matched for a year-long mentoring relationship. If you would like to be a part of this ministry, sign ups will begin in late summer each year.


Men’s Prayer Breakfast

The third Saturday of each month we hold a men’s prayer breakfast at the church. All men are invited and are encouraged to bring someone. After a meal we spend some time discussing a biblical principle before spending time in prayer together. If you would like to be a part of the prayer breakfast, meet at the church office at 8a on the third Saturday of the month.

Harvest Gold

Our ministry for adults over 50 meets the first Tuesday of every month. We gather to pray, to eat together, to sing and to build friendships. Through our time together we encourage each other and challenge one another in our spiritual walks through shared experiences. Contact the church office or keep an eye out for information about upcoming events.

Crafters for Christ

Twice a month our Crafters for Christ gather together, sharing their joy in creating warm gifts from their knitting circle, and sharing their skills with new crafters. They have taken several handmade blankets to oncology patients and to members in the community who could use a little more warmth. If you would like to be a part of Crafters for Christ, you can join us the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at 9a in the Youth Center or you can donate yarn, fleece or gift cards to help them continue sharing Christ’s love and warmth.

Next Generation Ministries

We are always looking for volunteers to invest in the lives of the next generation. From volunteering in the nursery to teaching teenagers to being a sponsor at children’s camp, we have plenty of opportunities to serve. Everyone who works with children at Harvest needs to be a church member and have a background check. To see what opportunities are available, visit our children and student ministry pages.

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